July 23, 2019
- Larry Sundin
- Rooted
- Exodus
- Hebrews
- Matthew
- Romans
- Choices
- Instant Gratification
- Pleasures
- Power
- Privilege
- Promises
- Rewards
- Salvation
- Hebrews 11:23-28
Moses’ heart was with pleasing God. He would rather live for Christ, then be the richest man on earth. His value system was a kingdom value system, and it was this kingdom value system that dictated his choices. Can we say the same? Do we make our choices in light of the rewards of eternity or in light of what they can do for us today? There’s a tension here and we can all feel it: we are constantly being pulled toward the treasures of the world or the treasure of God’s smile. But choices based on faith choose eternities rewards over the rewards of earth.