January 22, 2019
- Larry Sundin
- Love Does
- 1 Corinthians 13
- Luke 15
- Micah 7:19
- bitterness
- Forgiveness
- Love
- 1 Corinthians 13
- Colossians 2:13-14
- Ephesians 5:1-2
- Jeremiah 31:34
- Luke 15
- Micah 7:19
When I forgive I lay the groundwork for the restoration of a relationship, just like Jesus did for us. He forgave us so we could be reconciled to God. He took away the barrier that separated us from God, so that nothing stood between us… And every time you forgive another person you do the same thing. You do for them what they can’t do for themselves. They cannot remove their offense. But you can. When you forgive you remove it. You release the offender from his guilt, and now reconciliation can take place.